
There is an increasing acceptance that anxiety is something that most people struggle with on some level.


Anxiety may hold us back across all areas of our lives: it may cause us to be emotionally unavailable in our relationships, it may cause us to perform poorly at work, it may prevent us from taking important next steps in our lives that are integral for our own growth. 

Anxiety can lead to panic attacks that are both crippling and terrifying. 

The genesis of our anxiety can be complicated; our brains are designed to keep us safe from danger, yet we feel afraid of things that our rational mind recognizes are perfectly safe.  Why is that?  Part of it comes from messages we have received in our lives that cause us to feel insecure.  Your brain equates insecurity with danger.


I can help you take control of your anxiety.  I can help you develop strategies to calm your nervous system down.  I can help you dig into those insecurities to proactively prevent anxiety.  I can help you build confidence in yourself to accomplish your personal goals.