child social struggles

Society is beginning to recognize what a pervasive issue bullying is among children.  With modern technology, bullies have more access to children than was ever previously possible. 

Children lack an adult’s understanding of the temporary nature of a bad social interaction.  Children often feel that their life is over and out of desperation, they may turn to self-harm or begin feeling suicidal. 

Some children just struggle to be among their peers; they may not be naturally inclined to keep up with their peers’ social order and end up feeling like an outcast.  They may struggle in silence as they feel that there is nobody to understand them. 


Therapy cannot prevent children from being cruel to each other, but it can be a safe support for a child who is struggling socially.  I can coach children on how to respond to a bully, and to help them to develop a plan for situations where they feel confused or afraid instead of turning to more desperate measures.